Exchange 2007 / Exchange 2010: Daily or Hourly Messagestatistc and Warning
Messagetracking Statistics and Warning ################################# Update: 28.02.14 A new Version is available. V1.2 I did some performance improvement by changing from Group-Object to a foreach Loop. The Script also checks now if a DAG is present and runs only on the PrimaryActiveManager. I also did some minor bugfixing (Debug Switch,...) ################################# I wanted to know how many mails are going thru my Exchange 2010 System. So I searched for a powershell script and found a very interesting article from Roland Ehle at He wrote a little script to get all the worth knowing e-mail counters like incomming and outgoing SMTP Mails and also which size they have summarized. To get all this infomation the get-messagetracking command from Exchange will be called. I got the HTML formatting from Sean Duffy at